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About Portsmouth

Portsmouth is a neighborhood on the North Portland peninsula. Its boundaries are the railroad cut on the west, Lombard on the south, Chautauqua on the east and Columbia Boulevard on the north.

The Portsmouth Neighborhood Association is one of the 95 officially recognized neighborhood associations in Portland. Neighborhood associations are a powerful resource that draws together a diversity of people who are concerned with issues affecting the quality of life in their neighborhoods.  Participation is voluntary and open to all residents who live, own property or a business, organization, church or government agency within its boundaries.

We operate according to our bylaws. 

Empowering our Community

What does it mean to empower our community? It means that we understand that our neighborhood is unique and the people in it come from a wide variety of cultures, life experiences, socioeconomic means, and personal identities. We appreciate and celebrate this fact. Every neighbor has a voice and their own values around what is important. We want to hear it! We strive to be a neighborhood association that is useful and supports our neighbors. We might not have all the answers but we can help you find out who does. We are a group of volunteers who want to connect with our neighbors, be a resource, impact local decisions and developments, support common goals, and maintain our neighborhood. We can’t do that without knowing your concerns, as well as your hopes for our shared community.

Why a Neighborhood Association?

Historically and currently, there are certain privileges that come with being in a neighborhood association. For example, neighborhood associations get a seat at certain political tables and can submit certain government paperwork without fees. Portsmouth is a neighborhood rich with diversity. As a neighborhood association, we want to work to reflect that diversity and invite all voices to the table. The privileges afforded to neighborhood associations were designed to give voice to the neighborhood and power to the people. But if the association is not actually representative of the neighborhood, it doesn’t work as it could. Portsmouth Neighborhood Association has a mission to be a resource and voice for our neighborhood and ALL of its inhabitants.

What do you want me to do about it?

We understand that most people don’t have free time to go to meetings, let alone follow every issue that may impact our community. What we’d like is for you to let us know what issues impact you the most and what outcomes you would like to see so that we can focus our efforts for change, give ideas for resources, and rally our neighbors into action. What does this look like? It could be any number of things including. Send us an email, stop by one of our social events, come to a community forum, or tell us where you will be so we can come to you!

All are welcome in the Portsmouth Neighborhood Association. We welcome our neighbors to join us regardless of race, religion, national origin, immigration status, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any of the experiences and identities that enrich our diverse community.

For more information on how to get involved, contact us!

Mary-Margaret Wheeler-Weber, Chair, portsmouthchair@gmail.com, 503-240-3344
Neveen Hurd, Secretary, neveen.pna@gmail.com
Paul Buchanan, Land Use Chair, portsmouthpdxlandandtrans@gmail.com
Matthew Denton, Treasurer
Patty McGovern, At large board member